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"Holy Long Break, Batman!"  I know it has been almost 3 years since I updated this page, but RNR Records is alive and well again.  Check the "Whats New" page for a ton of updates from the past 2 years plus of trading.  Thanx for hangin in with us!!!  And as always,  if you are looking for the best in LIVE import cdrs, you have come to the right place! Tons of artists, tons of shows and trade or purchase options.

Go to the "CATALOG PAGE" to see our entire inventory of live music.

Go to the "WHATS NEW PAGE" every Wednesday afternoon to see our latest additons.

Go to the "CONTACT PAGE" for the Bad Traders List. It has only one offender on it but you definitely don't want to deal with him!
Artwork?-Take it or leave it.
We here at RNR RECORDS have most of the artwork for our cds. Just let us know the titles you are interested in and we'll let you know if we have the art. Of course, if you would rather make your own custom art, that is cool with us.
Head here if you want to see our entire inventory of great live cds. Check the "WHAT'S NEW" page for the most recent additions.


Trades are cool with us!
If you are an avid trader such as we here at RNR RECORDS there is always time to trade. Just email us your list and we'll take a look at it. Remember to send along your "want list" as well so we can arrange an even trade. As for you folks who don't have the means to trade, do not fret. We have made it easy to get your hands on the import live stuff you want without costing you an arm and a leg. It's what we call our Monetary Trade Purchase.
Send an email

Nothing to trade? No Problem! Use our Monetary Trade Purchase!
First off, we here at RNR RECORDS do prefer to trade before anything else, but if you do not have the means to do so, NO PROBLEM! E-mail us with your requests and we will give you a disc by disc breakdown of costs including shipping, handling and materials. Remember this is a monetary trade purchase, an understanding between collectors, that basically means you will pay for our time and materials and we'll supply you with the import cd's you are searching for.

Onwer/Operator Rockin' Rob hangin' with ACE FREHLEY!!